1. Introduction & Purpose:

This policy outlines the terms of employment for teachers at EDUSN Digital School. It is designed to ensure clarity and mutual understanding regarding the employment period and the obligations of both the school and its teachers.

2. Employment Term

All teachers employed at EDUSN Digital School are required to commit to a minimum term of one academic year. The academic year is defined as per the school's official calendar.

3. Employment Contract and Policy Agreement

a. Contract Signing: Upon employment, all staff members, including teachers, will be required to sign a contract when provided. This contract will detail the terms of employment, including duration, roles and responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and other pertinent details.

b. Agreement to Terms and Policies: All teachers and staff members must understand and agree to adhere to the terms and policies of EDUSN Digital School, as outlined in this document and any other school policy guidelines, with or without a signed contract. This agreement is considered in effect upon the commencement of their duties at the school.

c. Policy Acknowledgment: By accepting employment at EDUSN Digital School and beginning their role, staff members acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as their commitment to adhere to all school policies and regulations.

4. Resignation Policy

Teachers are expected to fulfill their commitment for the entire academic year. If a teacher wishes to resign before the end of the academic year, they are required to:

a. Provide a written notice to the school administration, stating the reasons for resignation.

b. Adhere to a notice period of two to three months allowing the school to manage the transition and find a suitable replacement.

5. Consequences of Early Resignation

If a teacher resigns before completing the agreed-upon academic year, the following consequences may apply:

a. Termination:The school reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately, based on the circumstances of the resignation.

b. Legal Action:In cases where the early resignation of a teacher causes significant disruption to the school’s operations or its students' education, the school reserves the right to pursue legal action as deemed necessary.

6. Exceptions

Exceptions to this policy may be considered in extraordinary circumstances, such as health issues or family emergencies. These exceptions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the school administration.

7. Acknowledgment

By accepting employment at EDUSN Digital School, teachers acknowledge and agree to adhere to this policy. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and/or legal action.

All users are expected to maintain strong, unique passwords and change them periodically.

The school will routinely provide updates on best cybersecurity practices.

6. Academic Integrity:

All submitted work must be original.

Teachers will employ various tools to check the authenticity of submitted assignments.

Instances of academic dishonesty will result in zero grades for the assignment, and repeated offenses might lead to more stringent actions.

7. Assessment & Evaluation:

Online examinations may employ monitoring tools to maintain fairness.

Continuous assessments, such as quizzes, projects, and assignments, will be spaced throughout the academic year.

Feedback will be thorough, encompassing areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

8. Communication & Collaboration:

EDUSN will maintain a calendar of events and important dates, accessible to all.

Regular updates will be communicated via official channels, including email and the school platform.

Parent-teacher meetings will be scheduled once every term, with provisions for additional meetings upon request.

9. Privacy & Data Protection:

All users' data is encrypted and stored securely.

Data will never be shared with third-party vendors without explicit consent.

EDUSN respects user privacy rights and complies with all relevant data protection regulations.

10. Dispute Resolution & Grievances:

Issues, if any, should first be communicated to the concerned teacher or department.

If unresolved, the matter can be escalated to the school administration.

EDUSN pledges to approach all concerns with empathy and a commitment to resolution.

11. Amendments & Updates:

As the digital landscape evolves, so will our policy.

Stakeholders will be given adequate notice before any major changes.

Feedback on policy changes is always welcomed and can be sent to the designated email address.